#FREEdom coin $FREE coin crypto currency at present is listed in the 2 of the top great exchange in the world called Gate .

27 Oct 2022, 07:36
#FREEdom coin $FREE coin crypto currency at present is listed in the 2 of the top great exchange in the world called Gate .io, Bitmart and XT .com that always enter the top rank As to meeting the requirements to be qualified in more top exchanhes, we are trying our best in meeting them: Active community or not stagnant fo days. - We all can see that this community is alive and active. Building projects that support the BSC (Binance Smart Chain) project. - As you can see we are having the exchange called Freecoin Finance that works and supoorts in Bep 20 or BSC chain. BSC means (Binance Smart Chain) with staking features offering to the holders who want to stake to earn more. So it means that this $FREE currency is showing sincere support as well to the BSC project. Usability -$FREE crypto currency is trusted and accepted as crypto payment for goods and services to the shops. Such as: A vending machine that accepts cryptopayments usinh QR code, B. physical shops using the traditional P2P and POS mobile machines and the online shops using P2P C. Web 3.0 called Wordpress payment using the famous Woocommerce that support crypto payment. Mass Adoption A. The supporting physical and online shop owners are growing in numbers. B. The strong long term holders are increasing as well. Once again, to our dear FREEdom coin lovers, we are not announcing that we are to list in what kind or name of another big exchange because this coin announces only in the same day that we are approved and listed. We do not do that. As to the time of big exchange listing it is not us to answer but the big exchange team. As much as we want to be listed now but we respect and are patient with the another big exchange team in listing. We are just patiently and respectfully waiting to be approved. May I kindly request to please stop asking because even if we will answer your question about the top exchanges future listing, we will not tell because that is part of the big exchange rule not to inform ahead which even us are not informed ahead of those big exchanges as well.. Even the Binance team as well prohibits or do not want any type of coins to post ahead of the approval date. We patiently respect and wait for them to inform us once done.. Just know to oourselves or be informed that every coin with usability and alive projects like FREEdom coin are always aiming for the best of the community. That is why we are all committed and loyal to be here. We all have seen very well how this precious FREEdom coin is building and maintaining the projects and the pro active volunters who love this coin are doing. So instead of asking when in the group, let us stay firm or unwavering and get involve or participate. by reminding ourselves of the great fundamentals, alive and well maintained projects, support of the shop owners for this coin, maintaining optimistic, supportive in promoting in sociap media because this coin has alive and well maintained projects, purposeful usabiity and various recognitions. There is a reward to self to those who are determined towards in achieving a goal, the sincerity of intention and commitment to stay or will not disappear is there as shown by the alive projects, community activities and usability is there. ❤💯 Check this link and click the photo posted of one of the owners of big exchange for you to believe that we are telling the truth that any big exchange does not want a pre- announcement or announcing ahead of listing. They will ban in listing a coin that announces ahead. Let us wait for the team of any exchange itself to announce and please stop asking about any listing because as mentioned, the big exchanges prohbits to do the announcing ahead imof time. Rest assured we will be informed right away once listing is done. We can do this together. All for one and obe for all! 💪