The current bear market impacts our financial possibilities.

20 Jan 2023, 14:35
The current bear market impacts our financial possibilities. This is not only happening in our project, but every altcoin currently has this challenge. We keep working on 2 tracks : - List on an extra TOP10 exchange : We are in contact with a preffered exchange, but it might still take some time. The listing fee is of course very high, and we will need price progress to be able to pay it - Continue to strengthen our position as a real world coin for everyday payments. In the past, we concentrated on specific hardware vendors to accept the #FREEdom_coin (for example POS mobile payment terminals and IvendPay vending machines/till system) and it is still actively working. Now we are investigating of more universal solutions that would be hardware independant so that a huge number of shops would be able to accept the FREEdom_coin, independant of the sales system/cash system they use. We would pay in # FREE,dom_coin the shop owner will receive Euro/USD/... (conversion done via USDT). There are proven technological solutions to do it. it is again a process of of buying software licenses, payment processor services,. We will be very happy if we can realize this in 2023.