"Will crypto prices rise again to new ATH .

06 Sep 2023, 08:57
“Will crypto prices rise again to new ATH ?” This question I receive daily in my inbox from crypto investors that have become SKEPTIC about future crypto price increases Most traders/holders know that crypto prices follow multi-year cycles, where bull runs with ATH prices are followed by bear markets where coins lose much of their previous price increase This is also true for our #FREEdom_coin $FREE : early 2021 we reached an ATH of 360 Million USD and a daily trading volume of 25 Million USD (pure organic trading, no MM) Everyone was in a phase of EUPHORIA, there seemed to be no limit on the growth From end of 2021 till now we have seen the price decrease in a strong bear market. Many traders/holders CAPITULATED and left the market. Those who are still holding are SKEPTIC about price recovery. Look at the picture below about the typical market cycle. We have seen this cycle several times before in crypto, and also today we follow perfectly the phases described in this picture : we are in the phase of “skepticism”, the last phase before the next bull run with new ATH in price and daily volume. How sure am I about this ? Well let me share you my personal situation. As co-founder I was an early buyer of $FREE so I hold an important amount of $FREE coins. I could have sold them easy in the ATH of 2021 (with 25 million USD organic daily trade volume on exchanges I could have done this in a few transactions) and could have been multi millionaire… But I only sold for 400 000 USD during 2021. Why ? 1) Personal belief that founders/team should not be the ones taking profit at the first ATH of their product. Leave this first ATH for other holders to be rewarded for their support of the project 2) 400 000 USD was the minimum amount I estimated our project needed to operate the FREEdom_coin project till the next ATH (which I estimated to arrive end 2023/early 2024) : Costs for listings, building use cases, IT (servers, licenses, support, …), corporate costs, Although of course I would like to see the price higher today, I am not stressed by the current market conditions. I remain confident that next phase will see a strong price increase again, leading to new ATH significantly higher than previous ATH. When we reach this new ATH our project will be able to collect new funds needed for absolute top-exchanges and new advanced use cases.